Collection: Permanent Pre-Orders


>>This listing is a Permanent Pre-Order.


If enough orders are done during the week will be submitted by the end of the week, in other words. We need to get to ten yards to send this order, or they will be submitted when Pre-Order gets submitted. This order will be sent to the Printer for them to print and ship to us. This item will have the same wait time as a normal Pre-Order (Due to the situation that it's going on right now with Shipping.)


Do we need to wait the same amount of time as a normal Pre-Order?

Yes. For them it takes the same time when it comes to printing fabric. If we have the fabric in hand, they will be shipped the next day.


Will you place Inspired designs on the Permanene Pre-Order Section?

No. We will be keeping this section for our Original designs and stripes.

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